Metabolismo Lagunare


Relase Wave

Eternal Love

Jack Torsani

Alice Oceanimood

The Obscure Music Lab


The first event of Metabolismo Lagunare took place on June 18th, 2022. The location was unique and evocative: Casone Maranghetto. Tough place, difficult to reach however, with its structure and its landscape, it frames one of the most beautiful and iconic places of our Lagoon. The event started at twilight, and vinyl after vinyl, it approached the crack of dawn. An old fisherman’s house caressed by the waters of one of the many presumptuous canals of the Lagoon. The night was accompanied by the sounds of Jack Torsani, Alice Oceanicmood, The Obscure Music Club, Elia e by our Italian strongest asset: Eternal Love. Graphic project curated by Jack Torsani. Photographic project curated by Graund Studio. Sound System curated by Bassi Gradassi.

Heart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of SoundHeart of Sound